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For The Birds by Margaret Atwood

Margaret Atwood's third children's book, For The Birds, published in 1995, builds upon the message of the first two books. It is illustrated by John Bianchi. At this time, Atwood’s daughter is too old for this book, but I love that Atwood sees the importance of writing for children still.

This is a chapter book with 8 short chapters. It is also about nature and the relationship humans have to nature. For The Birds has a bit of an Animals in that Country vibe to it. The main character, a young girl by the name of Samantha tosses a stone that hits a bird. She then becomes a bird to understand the lives of birds and the dangers that they need to be aware of in order to survive.

This book also has side notes and information about different aspects of the story. These are written by Shelley Tanaka. For example: when the story talks about crows there is an information box about crows. When it talks about bird baths, there is information on how to make a bird bath for your yard. When it talks about migration there is information about migrating. This book is much more advanced in it’s story and information and in its publication than the first two children's books Atwood published.

Bookworm Rating: 🐛🐛🐛🐛🐛

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1 комментарий

Chris Bateman
Chris Bateman
26 июл. 2021 г.

I loved how this book perfectly blended an entertaining story with science facts/environmental projects. Another awesome Mondays with Margaret read. 💙😊

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