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Albatross by Terry Fallis

Terry Fallis is one of my favourite Canadian authors so I was delighted when my face to face book club chose Albatross for our June book selection. Fallis has a real talent for writing quirky, funny characters and I love that I know when I read a Terry Fallis novel, there are going to be several laugh out loud moments.

Albatross checked off all of those points. The main character, Adam Coryell is a high school student when we meet him. He's a likable, humble guy who is in love with Alli. He has dreams of being a writer. Enter Bobbie Davenport, who I absolutely adored. Not only is Bobbie an English and Phys. Ed. teacher, but Bobbie has read an article by a Swedish professor that claims everyone is probably disposed to being good at one sport. After several limb measurements, it turns out that Adam is exceptionally good at golf.

Adam is so good at golf, that with Bobbie at his side his life completely turns upside down. He is known world wide, he's rich and famous, but is this really what Adam wants and by the way, Adam doesn't actually like golf. This is the other thing I love about Terry Fallis novels: on the surface, in this case it might seem that the novel is about golf, when it's really about following your passion and your dreams. Money doesn't always buy happiness and Adam is conflicted as he tries to do the right thing.

I loved the relationship between Bobbie and Adam and felt that Bobbie in many ways was the character who actually moved the story along. Their friendship is very special and heartwarming.

You don't have to be a golfer to appreciate the story. I can play mini-putt pretty well but that's about it. This is a charming story with Canadian humour and a classic, Terry Fallis ending that will leave you feeling good.

Terry Fallis finished his next novel during the Covid 19, quarantine so that's something to look forward to.

Bookworm Rating: 🐛🐛🐛🐛🐛

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