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Bright Precious Things by Gail Caldwell

"The traditional paths of marriage and motherhood seemed lethal in a whole other way. The women's movement delivered me from both fates. It offered a scaffolding of sanity and self-respect, a way to get a grip on everything that was scary about life." - Gail Caldwell

This is the third memoir I read from Gail Caldwell and it's my favourite.

It could be the times we live in and the fact that she talks about her life from the Women's Movement to the #metoo movement, but I think it's also because she leaves us with a sense that we are going to be ok.

What I like about Caldwell's memoirs is that she doesn't try to stuff everything into a 400 or 500 page tell all. She gives you the important stuff, the stories, emotions and relationships that are relevant which leaves the reader with a nice smooth read.

If you've read other Caldwell memoirs you will already know about her love of rowing, dogs, and some of her past relationships. In this memoir however she gives us a glimpse into her relationship with Tyler who is a 5 year old girl that lives next door. I love how she uses this relationship to show the strength, imagination, and confidence of young girls today, contrasting that with a time not so long ago.

Gail Caldwell once again is not afraid of being vulnerable. She shares her struggles with relationships, alcoholism and some choices she made as a young woman. She also shares what she learned from those experiences and some of her successes too. Her reflections back on her younger self help us all to be wiser.

This is a timely and enjoyable read.

Bookworm Rating: 🐛🐛🐛🐛🐛

Thank you to NetGalley and Random House for an e-arc for an honest review.

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