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Dreaming In A Perfect World by

This collection of poetry by Michael Tavon releases on October 10. Thank you to the author for a free e-copy in exchange for an honest review.

If you are expecting light, fluffy, feel good poems with rainbows, sunshine and unicorns - this is not the poetry collection for you. The poems in Dreaming In A Perfect World are timely and deal with issues that are relevant today.

The prose are prominent, raw and flow from experience. This is one of the most explicitly personal collections of poetry collections I've read. Talon does not shy away from heavy topics: child abuse, sexual predators, bullying and racism. There are also themes of love, feminism for all, conversion and changing attitudes.

There are dreams that the author has written down and are included throughout the collection. I liked the concept, but I think it broke the flow and wasn't necessary.

Some of my favourite poems were: Black Women Deserve Rest Too; A Typical Day as a 10 Year Old Boy in the Hood; There Goes My Mind Again; Hunting Season; Black Student, White Education; and Profiting Off Insecurities

Bookworm Rating: 🐛🐛🐛

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