Ugh! I have been putting off writing this review because I really, really wanted to like this book. I am trying to read more thrillers this year, a genre that I don't read a lot of so when this book was chosen for my online book club in April, I was looking forward to seeing what it was all about.
To the shock of thriller readers, I had never really heard of Patricia Cornwell and was told many times how much people love her and how she is the original Queen of Thriller so my hopes were high.
What a disappointment. This would have been a DNF for me except for two reasons:
1. I finished this book because it was a book club book and I wanted to be able to discuss it.
2. I kept thinking I was either missing something or it would get better soon. It never did.
There is a lot of scientific language that I couldn't get into. I never connected to any of the characters and I didn't care about the story line. I tried. I really did. Intelligent, strong female character as a lead - I am usually drawn to that, but it wasn't enough in this case. A space mission - that's exciting! Nope, it wasn't. This is the first in the Captain Chase novel and there is nothing that makes me want to continue reading.
Cornwell fans have assured me that her Scarpetta series is really good. Maybe after the disappointment subsides on this one, I will try the first in that series.
Bookworm Rating: 🐛