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Talking Animals by Joni Murphy

How does an alpaca get to work on time?

Sheer force of wool!

Talking Animals by Joni Murphy was sent to me for review by ZG stories and Book*Hug Press.

I loved the concept of this book. It uses animals to tell a human story.

Alfonzo is an alpaca. His buddy Mitchell is a llama. They work in New York City at City Hall; they uncover a political scandal. We meet all kinds of characters. Goats, hawks, dogs, cats, lemurs, horses, sea creatures... you get the idea.

I loved the themes: there are themes of illness, grief, trying to better oneself, mental illness, suicide, systemic dysfunctions, mistreatment of some over others, and our connection to nature. There were also a few funny lines and puns that were entertaining.

Unfortunately for me, the story and the telling of the story was not great. I got bored by it. I had such high hopes for this one and was disappointed.

If you like social commentary, politics and anthropomorphism, this book might be for you.

Bookworm Rating: 🐛🐛

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