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The Answer Is... by Alex Trebek

The world knows Alex Trebek as the host of Jeopardy! As Canadians, we are proud to call him one of our own and Jeopardy! fans were upset and empathized when Trebek revealed that he had been diagnosed with cancer.

I can't say that I knew a lot more than this before reading The Answer Is... Reflections on My Life. I was aware of his work with World Vision, but I didn't know much about who Alex Trebek is.

The memoir is written as little snippets. Sometimes a paragraph, sometimes a couple pages long. He tells about his parents and sister, his life growing up and his own marriages and family. He shares how he started working at CBC, with some funny anecdotes and how he ended up being the host of Jeopardy! There are pictures scattered throughout and Alex shares his thoughts on some of the more well known Jeopardy! players.

I wouldn't call this a tell all memoir by any means. It's a quick read told In true Alex Trebek style. It's candid, hopeful, and sincere. In a way, I think this was Alex Trebek's gift to his many fans. That is why I rated it as high as I did. It's more for sentimentality, not for a brilliant memoir, and... it's Alex Trebek!

For fans of Alex Trebek,, this is like spending a few hours with a friend, having coffee, and listening to them share some memories of a life, well lived.

Bookworm Rating: 🐛🐛🐛

I talk about this book in the video below:

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