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The Magician's Nephew by C.S. Lewis

One of my goals this year is to try and read The Chronicles of Narnia series. I've only ever read and seen the movies of The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe so everything else is new to me.

The first decision was to read the series in chronological or in published order. I decided to go with chronological order which meant starting with The Magician's Nephew. I am so glad I did, as this is the book that tells of the founding of Narnia and how it is established.

Digory (isn't this an unfortunate name?) and Polly who is a neighbourhood friend go to Digory's Uncle Andrew's house. Uncle Andrew is busy with experiments and he uses the children to help him, as manipulative magicians do. The children find a new world and it is here that we meet the queen and the lion that we all know so well.

This is a quick fantasy read, with a theme of good vs. evil, and the Christian references and symbolism that is expected from C.S. Lewis in this series. The excitement of exploring new worlds and a commissioning are perfect for the beginning of these chronicles.

Bookworm Rating: 🐛🐛🐛🐛🐛

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