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The Seven Sisters by Lucinda Riley

This is the first book in The Seven Sisters Series by Lucinda Riley. It was my online book club's choice for May and the first book I've read by this author. The book series is based on the mythology of the seven sisters of the Pleiades. I admit, I know nothing about this mythology, but thought it was an interesting component to bring to the story. In some ways, it made the story have a more magical element. In no way do you have to like mythology in order to like this book though. There's a little mythology, historical fiction, and not one romance, but two.

The story begins in 2007, with the death of Pa Salt, the father of the seven sisters who were all adopted. As they unite and grieve together, the sisters are given information and clues from their father to help them learn about their past. This book specifically focuses on Maia, the oldest sister, who travels from Switzerland to Brazil hoping to learn about where she came from and find some answers about her blood family. While in Brazil, Maia meets an author. Of course, he is good looking and wants to help her find her past. So begins the first romance.

The narrative then changes to Bel in 1927, Maia's great-grandmother. She is engaged to be married to Gustavo, but travels to France before the wedding and meets Laurent, an artist and sculptor. So begins the second romance and a love triangle. Who does Bel choose?

There are many parallels between Maia and Bel's story and some questions at the end to leave us guessing... and hopefully check out the next book.

This was an escape read for me. I loved the settings and I liked how the characters were written. There were times for me it dragged a little and I thought, do you really need to wait two days to have that conversation when you are talking to each other right now? I just think it could have been much more succinct.

Since the book is only focused on Maia, it could be a stand alone book. I don't feel compelled to read the rest of the series because I am not invested in any of the other sisters. That does not mean that I have given up on the series. It's on my radar for a time when I need another escape as a potential series to turn to.

Bookworm Rating: 🐛🐛🐛🐛

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