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Washes, Prays by Noor Naga

Washes Prays is by Alexandrian writer, Noor Naga. This is the first book I’ve ever read written in verse and I think I’d like to try others. It’s a quick read, less than 80 pages.

The main character, Coocoo is an immigrant, living in Toronto. She’s very lonely and isolated and wants to feel connected to a community especially to be connected to her faith community in a visible way. She starts having an affair with a married man. The supporting character is her friend Nouf. The two women are very different. Nouf sees her faith with more gratitude and contrasts the neediness of Coocoo.

If you are interested in reading a novel in verse, then this might be one to try out.

Bookworm Rating: 🐛🐛🐛

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